Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Our first time taking the dogs to the beach has been a blast! We weren't quite sure what to expect since we have never vacationed with them before...but it has been great! Cape San Blas is beautiful...sooooo quiet and peaceful. We just came back from a walk and only saw about 4 people and one other dog. Of course Samus has to act like she lives in a cave and has never seen people before but what can we do...she's uncontrollable.

At least she is sweet! Thought you might enjoy some shots from our walk this morning...


boxercab said...

I LOVE the photos! What a beautiful beach. Luis, the kids and I must go there!

bethiesny said...

It does look like heaven. How did you find this place? I've loved seeing all the pics of the "kids" on Facebook. Glad you had good weather!