Thursday, June 21, 2007

2 weeks!

2 weeks until Chris's interview at PC. We are both so excited... but impatient. I think that is why we never finish anything we say we are going to do. Like the adoption thing... We were planning on getting that started this summer and told everyone, now we have completely swithched gears. First of all, $25,000 for a child was a little overwhelming. Second, we decided Chris needed to be in a better place with his career when we start that process. I would hate to get it going then have to postpone it because he quit his job and went freelance. I think that him going back to school is a great idea. I think he will learn so much and gain a whole heap of confidence in the process. We are going to stick to this. Now I just hope he gets accepted and that I can find a job. Waiting a few more years for a kid is not a bad thing. I really don't feel ready anyways, I wonder if I will ever be. Anyways...
that's all for now.

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