Friday, May 9, 2008


We spoke with Dale today...he is scheduled for surgery on the 15th. He is still fighting fever and thinks he either has a collapsed lung or pneumonia. That stinks. I am pretty worried about him, I guess I have never thought about him being in such bad shape and not being able to get better. Makes me want to take a little better care of myself. You only get one chance with the body God gave you.....

Some good news to report, Max had a checkup today and he is still ALL CLEAR!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! YayYAYyay!!!! makes me super happy! He is 6 weeks out from chemo and doing great!

1 comment:

boxercab said...

I will keep praying for Dale.

Woohoo for Max!!!! That is wonderful news!

Hope you're having a great time in Boston!