Monday, July 7, 2008

Mixed news from the Vet

Today was Max's 3 month checkup after chemo. Good news first, he is still cancer-free!!! YAY!!! Bad news is that she heard a heart murmur. Great. We are going to hold out on getting an ultrasound since she said it was very small. She was not worried or ready to put him on meds for it. So hopefully it was just a fluke and we will go back and there will be no more murmur. But back to the good news...It has been 9 months since my boy got diagnosed and almost a year since the symptoms first showed up...he is doing so great! The crucial stage of recovery is past us now. If the evil cancer ever rears its head again, we will be able to do chemo again. Thank God.


bethiesny said...

That picture of Max is so ridiculously cute. Glad to hear that the little man is still cancer-free!

boxercab said...

That picture is too funny! Hopefully nothing will come of the heart murmur and we'll never see cancer in him again!