Saturday, January 26, 2008

I have been lazy...

about updating this blog...sorry. Good thing is I have been very busy with work so I will let that be my excuse! January seems to always be a hard month for me, in many ways...the anniversary of Tony's death, the anniversary of my emergency surgery last year, plus it is just so dark and dreary! I am starting to long for warm weather again...

I spent last week in Nashville, working on a CD-Rom project for LifeWay. While I was there, I let my mother perm my hair. BAD idea! I have fried my hair and I am going to have to cut it off to get it to look decent again! At first, it looked like I stepped out of 1989, it was so bad!!! I guess it is time for a new haircut anyways. I'll post some pics when I get it done!

I have decided to sign up for the half marathon in Nashville in April. I have to do something to get back into shape. I meet with a personal trainer on Monday so wish me luck!!!

Max is in the final stretch of chemo. 5 more week he gets more scans done of his chest. Hopefully we will get the same good news we got before!

1 comment:

bethiesny said...

January is a really hard month, but thankfully it is almost over! I am so excited about doing the half marathon together. And as for the hair, I'm all about chopping it off! :-) You'll look gorgeous no matter what you do.